# comments # ******** # TOTAL ANNIHILATION 1.2 BETA 1 CHEAT FOR GAMES TRAINERS v1.27 # WITH THE MODULE : "EASYWRITE" # old values & new values ex: 74 88 & eb 88 # STATUS : choice between : !POKE ou !FREEZE # list of keys : # F1,F2,...,F12 # A,B,...,Z # 0,1,...9 # NUMPAD0,NUMPAD1,NUMPAD/,NUMPAD*,NUMPAD-,NUMPAD+,PADENTR,PAD. (NUMPAD0 = KEY 0 OF THE NUM PAD) # NUMLOCK,SCROLL,DELETE,INSERT,SNAPSHOT,PRINT,PAUSE,PGDOWN,PGUP,HOME # END,ARROWRIGHT,ARROWDOWN,ARROWUP,ARROWLEFT,SPACE,ESCAPE,CAPSLOCK,CONTROL,SHIFT # RETURN,TAB,BACK,CTRLBREAK # 46001e 90 90 90 90 90 90 & 90 90 90 90 90 90 # enablekey choice an key for enable or disable all hot keys in the game (optionnal) enablekey f10 start total annihilation 1.1 comment control joueur 1 KEY NUMPAD1 STATUS !POKE 509D4F 00 00 & 00 00 456d7c 74 & 74 ; start total annihilation 1.1 comment control joueur 2 KEY NUMPAD2 STATUS !POKE 509D4F 01 01 & 01 01 456d7c eb & eb ; start total annihilation 1.1 comment control joueur 3 KEY NUMPAD3 STATUS !POKE 509D4F 02 02 & 02 02 456d7c eb & eb ; start total annihilation 1.1 comment control joueur 4 KEY NUMPAD4 STATUS !POKE 509D4F 03 03 & 03 03 456d7c eb & eb ; start total annihilation 1.1 comment control joueur 5 KEY NUMPAD5 STATUS !POKE 509D4F 04 04 & 04 04 456d7c eb & eb ; start total annihilation 1.1 comment control joueur 6 KEY NUMPAD6 STATUS !POKE 509D4F 05 05 & 05 05 456d7c eb & eb ; start total annihilation 1.1 comment turbo off/on KEY T STATUS !POKE 44ef0e 13 & 09 ; start total annihilation 1.1 comment construction rapide off/on KEY C STATUS !POKE 409a25 d9 87 & eb 6e 423e04 01 & 00 43a378 01 & 00 43a6a0 01 & 00 48530C 76 & eb 490ff2 01 & 00 4913bf 01 & 00 ; start total annihilation 1.1 comment invisible off/on KEY I STATUS !POKE 40999f 7b & 00 4099af 6b & 00 4099CC d9 44 24 10 & 90 90 90 90 ; start total annihilation 1.1 comment radar off/on KEY R STATUS !POKE 53f1cf 0 & 2 ; start total annihilation 1.1 comment damage x2.5 off/on KEY D STATUS !POKE 441475 64 & 20 ; start total annihilation 1.1 comment vitesse jeu ++ off/on KEY V STATUS !POKE 53fcea 14 00 14 00 & 14 00 ff ff ; start total annihilation 1.1 comment power and metal on/off KEY P STATUS !FREEZE 508eca FA 44 & FA 44 53f0e1 FA 44 & FA 44 508ed6 FA 44 & FA 44 53f0ed FA 44 & FA 44 ;